Monday 31 October 2011

Working title for a work in progress...

The Mother Ship

Stephanie Quinn appears to have it all – a manageable Publishing career, two beautiful young boys (Max 10, Toby 15), a loyal and loving husband (Mitch). In her mid forties, she is delightfully beautiful and has everything she ever wanted.  Or so we would think.

Stephanie is obsessed with all the singing shows on TV, and has recently started recording herself singing covers on Youtube.   The film begins with her most recent posting, and the mounting attention it receives.  When the list of views reaches 1312 Stephanie’s closest friend Bettina jokingly suggests Steph quit her day job.  But Steph isn’t laughing.  She quits that afternoon.

And so begins her journey towards a new found singing career.  Her family do not respond well to this sudden change, and her peers are left wondering.  But nothing and no-one can stop Stephanie from following her dreams – she bleaches her mousey hair a dazzling shade of rockstar blonde, takes up dance and singing tuition,  revamps her wardrobe and knocks em for dead.

Having shifted to writing originals, she now embarks on forming a band.  Beginning first with those around her, she secures a guitarist in her young cousin Josie,  and her son Max’s piano teacher comes on as keyboardist.  The drummer and bass player prove more of a challenge- so she posts a notice in the musical mag Drum Media.  A few responses, a few trials – and eventually a young drummer commits.  She doesn’t succeed in finding a bass player, but opts to go with the four piece.

They start with weekly rehearsals.  Stephanie’s husband Mitch is by now less tolerant, so Stephanie finds a part-time café job to help cover costs.  Here she meets a brooding and brilliant bass player, Karl 47.  The band is fully formed.  The rehearsals pick up.  And the set-list grows.  They call themselves The Mother Ship.

The band is thus made up of:
Guitar – Josie, 27 year old recent Arts Graduate.  Full of buzz but no direction.
Keyboard – Tammy, 35 and single. Always wanted more, but never knew the how.
Drums – Juan, 28 and way too sexy.  He knows how to have a good time (also teaches Latin dance!)
Bass – Karl, 47 and divorced.  Mechanic by day, muso by night.  He also takes on the role of band manager.

In under a year the momentum has built, and they have a support slot for a major international act touring Australia.  Corporate sponsors, glamorous invites, celebrity doo daa day.  All looks good…but in reality the drama has just begun.

The touring schedule is hectic.  The lifestyle impossible.  And Stephanie’s family-life starts to fall completely apart.  She can’t wake up in the mornings, the kids are constantly late for school, Mitch and the boys are completely over it.

And then Stephanie and Karl start falling for each other.  And Juan impregnates Tammy.  And Josie keeps breaking too many hearts.  And the musical shit hits the fast spinning fan.

Yes, the chaos and climax and comedy combine.  In the end The Mother Ship have to cancel the rest of their support slot.  Stephanie settles for a solo spot online, and the others get back to their original business.   What they lose in stardom they gain in sanity.  Or something to that affect.

Ha, I look forward to now writing the idea…and seeing what direction it really goes in....!!

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